Chapters & Centers

Local Chapters

Photo: Amanda Booher/Audubon

Chapters enable Audubon members and others to meet and share an appreciation of their common interests. They create a culture of conservation in local communities through education and advocacy, focusing on the conservation of birds, other wildlife and conservation of important habitats. Local chapters are affiliated with the National Audubon Socety – but each are their own non-profit organizations that manage their own donations and memberships.

What do chapters do?

  • Advocate for protection of birds and their habitat by supporting local, state, national and hemispheric conservation priorities
  • Offer birding field trips, identification classes, and presentations for members and the public
  • Engage children and adults in educational programs
  • Coordinate public outreach events
  • Create bird friendly communities by involving residents in habitat improvement projects
  • Provide data on the health of local bird species through Christmas Bird Counts, the Great Backyard Bird Count, breeding bird surveys, and other local monitoring projects
  • Adopt and protect Important Bird Areas

Chapter resources

Audubon provides many chapter resources on an internal website called Audubon Works. For access, please contact

North Dakota

FM Audubon Chapter
Grand Forks Audubon Society

South Dakota

Prairie Hills Audubon Society


Audubon Society of Omaha
Wachiska Audubon Society

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Twenty-three state programs, 41 centers, 450+ local chapters, and countless events.

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