Sullys Hill Learning Center
Sullys Hill Learning Center near Devils Lake is now an interactive bird and wildlife education facility, as a result of Audubon’s collaborative partnership with the US Fish & Wildlife Service. Now that the construction phase is done, we are excited to engage a diverse range of conservation partners and new constituents, including birders, students, farmers/landowners, and families in learning about, enjoying, and protecting our unique Prairie Potholes.
221 2nd Street West Devils Lake, ND 58301
Sullys Hill NGP is located near the town of Fort Totten, North Dakota. Sullys Hill NGP can be reached by going south from Devils Lake, North Dakota on North Dakota Highway 20/North Dakota Highway 57 to the town of Fort Totten. Go south and east of Fort Totten on BIA Road to reach the Preserve.
Click here for more information from US Fish and Wildlife.
How you can help, right now
Support Rowe Sanctuary
Help us continue our important work for Sandhill Cranes and other birds that rely on the Platte River ecosystem!
Support Spring Creek Prairie
We are able to provide and protect this amazing landscape only with the help of private donations. Help us keep the trails open and the prairie thriving!
Support Audubon in the Great Plains
Support our work with local landowners, urban woods and prairies, and education programs in Nebraska and the Dakotas!