Recent News and Press

The 2020 Audubon Photography Awards: Winners

The 2020 Audubon Photography Awards: Winners

This year's top shots delight with dazzling colors and fresh perspectives.

Nebraska Must Pass LB283: Take Action on Climate Change

Nebraska Must Pass LB283: Take Action on Climate Change

Audubon Nebraska is in support of LB283, a bill that calls for climate research and the development of a climate action plan in Nebraska. The bill could be up for a vote soon, potentially in the next couple weeks.

At-Risk Bumble Bee Found at Audubon’s Spring Creek Prairie

At-Risk Bumble Bee Found at Audubon’s Spring Creek Prairie

— A Southern Plains Bumble Bee was found in the tallgrass prairie near Denton, NE
Audubon Nebraska Centers Receive over $700,000 in NET Grants

Audubon Nebraska Centers Receive over $700,000 in NET Grants

The Iain Nicolson Audubon Center at Rowe Sanctuary and the Spring Creek Prairie Audubon Center were awarded grants from the Nebraska Environmental Trust totaling over $700,000 over the next few years.

Audubon Hosts Virtual, Family-friendly Event about Fireflies

Audubon Hosts Virtual, Family-friendly Event about Fireflies

The Iain Nicolson Audubon Center at Rowe Sanctuary and Spring Creek Prairie Audubon Center have collaborated to create a family-friendly event surrounding fireflies.

A Win for Whooping Cranes: Court Vacates Permit for R-Project

A Win for Whooping Cranes: Court Vacates Permit for R-Project

June 17 marked a win for the endangered Whooping Cranes when the District Court of Colorado vacated the permit for the “R-Project,” a 225-mile electrical transmission line.

U.S. Senate Votes to Protect Birds, Improve Parks, and Create Jobs

U.S. Senate Votes to Protect Birds, Improve Parks, and Create Jobs

Bipartisan legislation to provide permanent funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund advances out of the U.S. Senate.

With the Nation in Turmoil, Trump Orders Agencies to Waive Environmental Rules

With the Nation in Turmoil, Trump Orders Agencies to Waive Environmental Rules

Hours before trumpeting an economic rebound, the president cited an economic emergency to justify a sweeping rollback of bedrock laws.

‘Black Women Who Bird’ Take the Spotlight to Make Their Presence Known

‘Black Women Who Bird’ Take the Spotlight to Make Their Presence Known

As part of Black Birders Week, women are sharing their love of the outdoors and the challenges they face in them.

Bipartisan Bill Will Help Cut Pollution While Helping Farmers, Foresters, and Wildlife

Bipartisan Bill Will Help Cut Pollution While Helping Farmers, Foresters, and Wildlife

The legislation helps the agriculture and forestry industries naturally remove carbon from the atmosphere, creating a cleaner future for birds and people.

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