Bird-Friendly Communities

Orchard Glen

Fargo Site South of I-94

Urban Woods and Prairies Initiative 


Size: 54.5 acres 

​Restoration of this site will begin in 2019

Parking: a small marked lot is available for vistors 

Habitat: Previously an apple orchard, restoration of the woodland, prairie, and wetland habitats on this site will make Orchard Glen a suitable home for a number of bird species.

Target species: Bobolink, Wood Duck, Canada Goose, Mallard, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Northern Flicker, and Red-headed Woodpecker. Keep an eye out for Little Bluestem, Big Bluestem, Indian Grass, Leadplant, and Purple Prairie Clover as you pass though the grasslands.

Trails will be completed by  December 2019 

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