Melissa Mosier

Platter River Program Manager

Melissa Mosier has been the Platte River Program Manager for Audubon Great Plains since 2020 and spend most of her days connecting with others who already do – or may soon – share her love of the Platte riverscape. Her focus is working in current partnerships along the Platte and creating new ones so that we can find creative ways to ensure that we protect the river for the benefit of the birds and humans that depend on it. Melissa is incredibly excited about working on Audubon’s Platte River Initiative because it connects both human and wildlife communities across statelines, offering opportunities to think more broadly about how our conservation work can generate benefits both upstream and downstream.

Melissa graduated from the University of Nebraska with a Master’s degree in the human dimensions of natural resources, as well as water management and planning. Before joining Audubon, she enjoyed opportunities to learn from people and what water means to them through employment at the State of Nebraska, and more locally. Melissa lives in Lincoln, NE, and spends her free time clowning around with her son and organizing her cassette tape collection.

Conservation Influence:

I have always been interested in how humans organize themselves around water resources. Because it is our shared basic need, the stakes are always high when the demand for water surpasses what is available, and that means that our best bet for the future is working together. Everyone understands that the health and well-being of future generations depends on the preservation of our water and other natural resources, and I love being able to play a part in the conversations that foster collaboration and resilience for the benefit of both our human and wildlife communities. 

Favorite Bird:

Northern flicker – I like their style.