LES Announces Goal to Reach Net-Zero by 2040

In Nebraska, an entirely public power state, Lincoln Electric System (LES) moved forward as a leader for reducing carbon emissions. They have officially announced their goal to reach net-zero by 2040.

"After participating in a year-long educational series on establishing a new carbon reduction goal and soliciting public opinion at the beginning of the month, the LES Administrative Board adopted a 100% net decarbonization goal by 2040 during its Nov. 20 meeting. LES acknowledges that the emissions of greenhouse gases from fossil fuel-fired power generating plants contribute to increased concentration levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide, which in turn contributes to climate change. The Board adopted this goal in response to the risks associated with climate change."

Audubon Nebraska Executive Director Kristal Stoner, Wachiska Audubon and Rábago Energy LLC collaborated to gather public support and provide technical expertise. 

Audubon is thankful to the Board for making this decision in the fight against climate change. 

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