The Prairie Management Toolbox provides technical and financial assistance to producers interested in improving grassland habitat and forage quality. The goal is to increase the resiliency and biodiversity of existing grassland acres for the benefit of grassland birds and wildlife. Audubon collaborates with enrolled producers to develop a habitat management plan to outline management priorities and strategies to achieve habitat goals. Technical assistance includes resource surveys conducted by Audubon to evaluate management goals related to increasing native plant, bird, and pollinator diversity.
All enrolled acres will have 10-year term protection established.
Funding in North Dakota is provided by the North Dakota Industrial Commision’s Outdoor Heritage Fund (OHF), and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation supports PMT across South Dakota.
Available Cost-Share Options through the Prairie Management Toolbox:
North Dakota
60% Cost-share for grazing infrastructure (perimeter fencing, cross-fencing, and livestock water development) |
90% Cost-share for invasive woody species removal on grasslands | 100% Cost-share for grassland seeding rejuvenation (small sites prioritized) | |
North Dakota |
✓ (according to the current EQIP rate) | ✓ | |
Red River Valley(Cavalier, Pembina, Ramsey, Walsh, Nelson, Grand Forks, Griggs, Steele, Traill, Barnes, Cass, Lamoure, Ransom, Dickey, Sargent, and Richland)
✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
South Dakota
Statewide: 60% cost-share for grazing infrastructure (perimeter + cross fencing, pipeline, etc.), 60% cost-share for prairie restoration, 60% cost-share for prescribed fire.
Contact Information:
North Dakota
Central and Western North Dakota Projects
Charli Kohler-Prodinski | Range Ecologist
Eastern North Dakota Projects
Juli Bosmoe | Range Ecologist
South Dakota
Audubon Conservation Ranching and Prairie Management Toolbox Projects
Eastern South Dakota
Josh Lefers | Working Lands Programs Manager
Western South Dakota
Cody Grewing | Range Ecologist
Conservation Ranching Initiative
The vast majority of America’s grassland birds breed on private lands, working with ranchers and private landowners is our best hope for conserving them.
Conservation Forage Program
The Conservation Forage Program works with North Dakota's producers to establish grasslands on marginal cropland to improve forage availability and quality.
Conservation and Agricultural Land Easements
Conservation and agricultural land easements are a voluntary, free-market, incentive-based approach to the permanent conservation of natural, agricultural, and historical resources on private land.

Photo: American Kestrel. Photo: Daniel Joppich.
Working Lands Staff and Resources
Because the vast majority of America’s grassland birds breed on private lands, working with ranchers is our best hope for conserving them. Partner with Audubon to learn about “bird-friendly” grazing practices and economic incentives of sustainable investments.
How you can help, right now
Support Rowe Sanctuary
Help us continue our important work for Sandhill Cranes and other birds that rely on the Platte River ecosystem!
Support Spring Creek Prairie
We are able to provide and protect this amazing landscape only with the help of private donations. Help us keep the trails open and the prairie thriving!
Support Audubon in the Great Plains
Support our work with local landowners, urban woods and prairies, and education programs in Nebraska and the Dakotas!